Friday, June 15, 2007

Its All About The Ratio

My company is on a mad drive to recruit as many women as possible! Its got special women's walk-ins, referrals only for women & high bonus points! Its come down to pressurizing managers to recruit only a lady for the vacant position in their team. What is the point of it all? The company wants more women as it was supposedly alarmed at the male female ratio. Now the male employees might be grinning wide at the move but the women are really annoyed. Everyday some guy passes a loose comment about a new joinee that she is only here because of the "reservation". I understand that the drive has some good intentions but this whole drive is so publicised that it has become a mockery.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why crib about this here? Is this going to make any impact on what's already going on? At best, some people can come here, read this, and say "true - completely agree with u" - then? Nothing happens.

Want some changes - then go speak out in places where it would matter.

I'm not critizing this post or anything. Pardon me if I sounded like that. Just voiced my opinion that this should be taken elsewhere if you really want a difference to be made.

All the best.

June 17, 2007 8:03 PM  
Blogger claytonia vices said...

Having a good ratio balances the Yin and the Yang! Let's just hope they don't compromise on skills and quality of candidates!! Otherwise it will hurt the balance sheet!! :)

October 15, 2007 7:54 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

They want more wimmin in Law schools, BSchools, Med Schools and Grad schools. Plus, th Asian Development Bank, the World Bank, the IMF, the UN and all big corporations are committed to greater "diversity" of the sexes. Why they even "particularly encourage" wimmin candidates. And then, wimmin get choice pickings on the dance floor and the dating scene. Welcome to the world of the man in the 21st century...Life in the middle ages was cooler - You know, hunt, pillage... ;)


October 29, 2007 9:33 PM  

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